How to grow your Stamina?
We all had a wish to grow our stamina moreover we want to be energetic and full of stamina. It is not only based on the physical strength of our body. It also based on our mental stamina.
Thank you to read this. And I know that you have the interest to get fit and get satisfied in life. You have also the quality of change to better. And you have the wish to know how to grow your stamina.
I mention here something about "How to grow your stamina?", topic.
Slow and steady wins the race, Says by many wise people.
If an iron heats faster,
then it colds faster also.
Suppose you want to get a long time fitness and strongness. Don’t go on quick ways. Because the real thing is we can’t get it easily.
We may get 90% fake results or fitness. If you earn the quality of self-understanding and self-developing, then you can get the perfect fit.
Let’s discuss this and test what you want, the permanent stamina or temporary, although we need both in different situations. The question is "How to grow your stamina?".
There are two types of stamina we discuss here. Mental stamina and body stamina. Both are important and related to each other.
Mental Stamina
Always try to keep contact with nature. Plant trees, do gardening, take care of
plants. Walk without shoes. Go to a free place, where you can get free air.
Feel the love of nature for you. If you can feel this love of nature, you will be happy.
Every morning let nature come into you. Pure air, beautiful nature makes you happy.
We should eat healthy food. Healthy food means foods which our body system digest easily. Like green foods, ripe foods, fruits etc.
Let's compare our body to a bike. If we want to make our bike very useful and always helpful we have to take-care it perfectly.
We regularly repair it, if it has any faults. It needs petrol to run. When we use kerosene to feed it. It runs, but it destroys in a short time.
Thus our body is an engine made by some natural things and its fuel is food. There are different types of food. Like veg or non-veg.
We must eat healthy food for us.
If you want to know about this search on youtube
Never skip on carbs. They are essential for muscle building. So, it is good to have grains, pasta, brown bread and cereals.
By another way, we know how to grow our stamina, but this point we learn how to grow our mental stamina.
What is about me?
I prefer to dance with music alone.
Thus, you must ask yourself where is your happiness. It may differ for different persons. Like Dancing, singing, cooking, playing…… etc.
And mind it choose what you can do alone not with others. If you love to talk to anybody personally then you choose temporary. Be aware of this.
It may disturb your mental stamina.
If you do the regular you can get perfectness. Slow and steady wins the race means. You have to go slow and do it regularly. Then you can win the race. Who is with you in the race?
Race with your weakness, not with another person. You should practice to be happy and learn how to be happy
and how to grow your stamina.
Don’t go on words, it means don’t believe every word of society. Follow your mind think is it right?
Go to experts then do if it is important and helpful to you or anybody.
You can search Google about your doubt.
Rest is important. It also helps to grow our stamina. But how it can grow our stamina? You can do meditation instead of rest. It is another type of rest for our body.
Most of the people think that rest means sleep. No, it is not right. Science proves 10 minutes meditation is equal to a 2-hour sleep. So use the rest time for your development.
If you have a disease then you can sleep more. But it mostly on our mind what you think about us that you are weak or strong?
Earn knowledge about...........
How to eat?
talk? Etc.
You can get it on YouTube or Google or from doctors.
But don’t follow any blindly.
And then you can know how to grow your stamina.
Be happy with what you have but try to earn more without no hope.
By taking advice by doctors take proteins. Because it helps our body to be fit and healthy. This time foods are not full of proteins so we must take extra boosts to be healthy.
By giving 4-5 hours gap between heavy meal we can maintain our stamina. Our body takes a minimum of 3 hours to accept proteins from ripe foods. So minimum 4-5 hours gap between two heavy meals.
After eating a meal rest for a minimum 15-20 minutes. It helps your body digest the food that you have eaten. This is an essential part of building stamina.
If you eat to keep your mind on eating only and feel that the food is God.
Give your full focus on food only.
No T.V.,
No more
If there is no emergency, you should be one focused.
2. Wash your hands, face and legs before sleep (warm water is better.).
3. Walk some time.
Our mind takes an important role in our fitness and stamina. So think positive and do what should be done.
Thank You
Thank you to read this. And I know that you have the interest to get fit and get satisfied in life. You have also the quality of change to better. And you have the wish to know how to grow your stamina.
I mention here something about "How to grow your stamina?", topic.
1. Be aware of Quick fitness tricks.
Slow and steady wins the race, Says by many wise people.
If an iron heats faster,
then it colds faster also.
Suppose you want to get a long time fitness and strongness. Don’t go on quick ways. Because the real thing is we can’t get it easily.
We may get 90% fake results or fitness. If you earn the quality of self-understanding and self-developing, then you can get the perfect fit.
Let’s discuss this and test what you want, the permanent stamina or temporary, although we need both in different situations. The question is "How to grow your stamina?".
There are two types of stamina we discuss here. Mental stamina and body stamina. Both are important and related to each other.
Mental Stamina
1. Keep contact with nature to grow your stamina.
Always try to keep contact with nature. Plant trees, do gardening, take care of
plants. Walk without shoes. Go to a free place, where you can get free air.
Feel the love of nature for you. If you can feel this love of nature, you will be happy.
Every morning let nature come into you. Pure air, beautiful nature makes you happy.
3. Eat smartly and Improve your stamina.
We should eat healthy food. Healthy food means foods which our body system digest easily. Like green foods, ripe foods, fruits etc.
Keep some knowledge about the body system.
We should know about our body system which helps us to grow our stamina. If we know the process basically then we can manage our food habit and many things.
Keep knowledge about diet (food habit).
We eat different types of foods. Like junk foods, which harmful to us. And has other foods which are not good for us every time. So one must get knowledge about diet plans or food habits to stay fit and active. Means which food you should take or not.
Feel Food is God, it gives you a special feeling.
Our body made of food, water and other things. We can't live without these.
So give a special feeling for food and take it as life.
Let's compare our body to a bike. If we want to make our bike very useful and always helpful we have to take-care it perfectly.
We regularly repair it, if it has any faults. It needs petrol to run. When we use kerosene to feed it. It runs, but it destroys in a short time.
Thus our body is an engine made by some natural things and its fuel is food. There are different types of food. Like veg or non-veg.
We must eat healthy food for us.
If you want to know about this search on youtube
Make sure to include carbs
Never skip on carbs. They are essential for muscle building. So, it is good to have grains, pasta, brown bread and cereals.
4. Practice Happiness and grow your stamina.
By another way, we know how to grow our stamina, but this point we learn how to grow our mental stamina.
What is about me?
I prefer to dance with music alone.
Thus, you must ask yourself where is your happiness. It may differ for different persons. Like Dancing, singing, cooking, playing…… etc.
And mind it choose what you can do alone not with others. If you love to talk to anybody personally then you choose temporary. Be aware of this.
It may disturb your mental stamina.
5. Make a habit of perfectness to grow your mental stamina.
If you do the regular you can get perfectness. Slow and steady wins the race means. You have to go slow and do it regularly. Then you can win the race. Who is with you in the race?
Race with your weakness, not with another person. You should practice to be happy and learn how to be happy
and how to grow your stamina.
Don’t go on words.
Don’t go on words, it means don’t believe every word of society. Follow your mind think is it right?
Go to experts then do if it is important and helpful to you or anybody.
You can search Google about your doubt.
Rest, is it important?
Rest is important. It also helps to grow our stamina. But how it can grow our stamina? You can do meditation instead of rest. It is another type of rest for our body.
Sleep and rest.
If you have a disease then you can sleep more. But it mostly on our mind what you think about us that you are weak or strong?
6. Learn to be happy in any situation.
You can practice happiness in two ways what I know, but there may be other ways.- Let’s leave your tension to God. Because everything is happening by Him/ Her. And accept what is happening with you. That is for your learning.
7. Take balanced food to grow your stamina.
Give time for food. Take time to eat happily. Don’t eat a lot at a time. Divide it as part. Eat few but many times.Earn knowledge about...........
How to eat?
talk? Etc.
You can get it on YouTube or Google or from doctors.
But don’t follow any blindly.
And then you can know how to grow your stamina.
8. Stop dividing foods as tasty or your favourite.
Let’s take everything is good and everything is your favourite without non-veg. Because non-veg foods are tougher. God makes everything for us that fruits, vegetables.Be happy with what you have but try to earn more without no hope.
Take protein.
By taking advice by doctors take proteins. Because it helps our body to be fit and healthy. This time foods are not full of proteins so we must take extra boosts to be healthy.
Take food on time.
By giving 4-5 hours gap between heavy meal we can maintain our stamina. Our body takes a minimum of 3 hours to accept proteins from ripe foods. So minimum 4-5 hours gap between two heavy meals.
Take some time to rest after your meals.
After eating a meal rest for a minimum 15-20 minutes. It helps your body digest the food that you have eaten. This is an essential part of building stamina.
9. Keep in your mind “What to do?” and "How to grow your stamina?"
If you eat to keep your mind on eating only and feel that the food is God.
Give your full focus on food only.
No T.V.,
No more
If there is no emergency, you should be one focused.
Sleep after 2 hours of night food. It makes your body more power.
At night our digestive system is slow so do walk after nigh food minimum 500-foot steps. And sleep after 2 hours of taking food at night.10. Do some important do’s at night.
1. Brush after night food.2. Wash your hands, face and legs before sleep (warm water is better.).
3. Walk some time.
Take some hot water in the morning.
Taking hot water in the morning gives us many benefits. It clears our stomach.Our mind takes an important role in our fitness and stamina. So think positive and do what should be done.
Thank You