How to stay Positive?
stay positive
Most people search this time about how to stay positive. To stay
positive is most essential thing need this time for all human, that is Hindu, Muslim, Christian or any other religion, that’s no matter. This time most of the people were depressed and lost their daily routine. Many lost their jobs. To give a better performance one should be in self-control and stay positive all the time or motivated. The main goal is to get the happiness of positiveness.

{1} Use Affirmations to stay positive.


Do you know successful persons use this technique to stay positive and to stay touched to their aim of life? I use these positive energy quotes and points in my life and I have been getting happiness and get a unique positivity. How to follow affirmations to stay positive? Here is an idea.

First, collect some affirmations which are for you or based on your situation. Write down or print out those affirmations in different papers and paste in those every place where you look, where you read,  on the desktop screen, keep as mobile wallpaper etc.......
By which you can get touched to your goal all the time and get the energy to get positivity. And positivity can offer you success and happiness.

This is called get worked from self. Do you know this is the most
important technique for anybody? And everybody must acquire this self-control technique.

In Bhagwat Gita God Srikrishna try to understand to Arjuna that no one is the best for you if you are not your best friend. Means we can find the solution of our problems better, from our problems and from self. So use Affirmations to train yourself. Some examples are:  
I can do
It is easy 
Learning is easy etc. 
You can get more positive energy tips from the internet. There are many blogs, you-tube videos on the internet. I think you must try to get benefits and give feedback to us.

{2}Give some time for motivational speakers to stay positive.

Affirmation, keep positivity mind

Are you a learner?  Yes, you are. Can you learn from every situation and every step of life? And how can you know how to learn. How to increase the positive energy in your mind and body. These techniques you can get from many resources from them motivational speakers are best. 

There are many motivational speakers. Whom you should follow? This is the main topic. 
Worry about fraudsters? Don’t worry. 
Search for that motivational speaker's background and listen to
her/him. Compare their words in your real life and see is it work? If yes then go ahead. They can change your life and give you a positive impact to your life. Some motivational speakers are whom I follow are Sandeep Maheswari, Sadguru, Yogi Nityananda, Abby Viral ...............
The above are all successful in their life. A successful person is a great motivational speaker or we can follow our motivator.

{3}How to stay positive? The unique way is to read books.

If you search for a successful person's story or background you can find
many good things. Between them reading the book is one of the best things to get positive energy at home, in the universe, and everywhere.

Benefits of reading books are:-
Books are positive energy sources. We can get positive energy quotes, ideas from books.
It increases the strength of the brain.

Affects our decision making power.

Decreases our stress and give us happiness.

Makes our sleep better.

Make us free from depression and it has many other benefits also.

When we read books our concentration power increases, our focus grows more. It helps to improve our positivity. And with positiveness, we can be happy and a happy person can be healthier.  

{4}Take yourself to an Autopilot mode to stay positive.

Is it possible to radiate positive energy by taking you in autopilot mode? Yes, it is possible. And anybody can maintain this in his/her life. How to do this? 

Focus and work on our subconscious mind. Do you know when we sleep our body works itself automatically? If a mosquito hits us our body system automatically attacks it. How? Because our subconscious mind controls it. 

How the environment affects us? Because subconscious mind always learns automatically. If we can know about this fully. We can control our emotions and we can be happy. I think this technique must help you and you must use this technique from now.
There are 2 environments Artificial and natural(Natural things like trees, mountain.........). Both affect our mind.

{5} Own the qualities of a learner to stay positive.

There are many positive energy sources. If a man becomes a learner he/she automatically becomes happy all the time. Because in this world everything happens are all good. I think good is good and bad is better and very bad is best.  

{6}Believe in invisible power.

how to stay positive during difficult times

In India, we learn that everything is directed by Almighty God.
So we believe that he/she directs everything and our every action. He/ She is our Parent and parents never harm us. 

Take an example: 
A perfect teacher always cares about his/her students and guides to the good. Sometimes he/she gives punishment because of his/her good future. But we have to ready to give the exam and the teacher prepares us and guides us.
Like that, God is our parent, teacher, friend everything.
If he/she directs everything why we take over tension, we must do smart-work then the result is automatically given by God. God takes many exams, tests to test if we can pass. He/ She takes whole care to us if we pass.

{7} Practice some superb ideas to stay positive and happy.

positive energy tips

There are some superb ideas by which you can relax every time. These feel your special feelings. These engage you in happiness.

a)  Listen to music and feel it

Music is a special gift from God to humanity. Music gives a relaxing feeling and happy feeling. If you are in a bad mood it makes you the feelings of a special feeling. 

There is some music which can give us happiness, sorrow etc. Music can give us a piece in any situation. Don’t believe me. Try and feel the power of listening to music and feel it, not only the meaning feel the song.

b)  Practice gratitude

Remember how do you feel when you are going to a new place. It just makes you happy and gives you a smile in your face. There are many creatures like a human. But we are busy in only human and human activities.

 Look at the trees, leaves, mountains, sky, moon, sun every natural creation of God. Do you know why God makes other creatures? The answer is for human learning and his/ her piece of his / her mind. So always give thanks to God for everything and be grateful always to dear God.

c)  Dance when you are happy.

If you are not a good dancer no problem. You can dance in a lonely place. Play music in earphone and dance freely. I think it might be helpful. By dancing you can be healthy and fit.

d)  Meditation

how to attract positive energy and good luck

The best practice is Meditation to get positivity in our life. Sadguru says that we feel emotions in our mind only most of the time. If we learn how to manage our emotions we can be the self-controlled person and a self-controlled person can make him/ her happy any time, any moment.

We can be self-controlled by doing meditation. By Sandeep Maheswari, who meditate daily, nothing can disturb him/ her to be happy and to stay positive. He/she lives in the piece and gives better performance in real life. That is in the job, in playing etc. 

e)  Search for Positivity in every situation

God makes the world perfect and his creativity is great. So nothing is bad there. Most of the time everything is happening in our mind. So we must change our thinking style. If we search for positive everywhere, we must get positivity for us every-where.

f)     Learn techniques to make you happy.

There are many techniques which can give us better control over us and better control can give us happiness and positivity. 

Why we should control us?

Because we need happiness and if we can control us then we can get what we want. I mean happiness and real happiness comes from inside us. When we get positivity we can get happiness.

g)  Spread happiness and smile.

As possible spread happiness and smile among society. Many persons are in depression, anxiety in our society.


In the end, we find that we can stay positive always by
following some rules. I hope the above ideas help you must if you observe them.
We can make our life better by practising positivity. So work on positivity.
You can follow which are applying to you. Best of luck. If there any problems or mistake by me, kindly reply in the comment section.    


  Thank You.

Grow Your Stamina | 10 effective ideas in 2021

    How to grow your Stamina?

We all had a wish to grow our stamina moreover we want to be energetic and full of stamina. It is not only based on the physical strength of our body. It also based on our mental stamina.

Thank you to read this. And I know that you have the interest to get fit and get satisfied in life. You have also the quality of change to better. And you have the wish to know how to grow your stamina.
I mention here something about "How to grow your stamina?", topic.

1. Be aware of Quick fitness tricks.

How to grow your stamina? Slow and steady wins the race.

Slow and steady wins the race, Says by many wise people.


 If an iron heats faster,
 then it colds faster also.

Suppose you want to get a long time fitness and strongness. Don’t go on quick ways. Because the real thing is we can’t get it easily.

We may get 90% fake results or fitness. If you earn the quality of self-understanding and self-developing, then you can get the perfect fit.

Let’s discuss this and test what you want, the permanent stamina or temporary, although we need both in different situations. The question is "How to grow your stamina?".

There are two types of stamina we discuss here. Mental stamina and body stamina. Both are important and related to each other.

Mental Stamina

1. Keep contact with nature to grow your stamina.

How to grow your stamina?Keep contact with nautre.

Always try to keep contact with nature. Plant trees, do gardening, take care of
plants. Walk without shoes. Go to a free place, where you can get free air.

Feel the love of nature for you. If you can feel this love of nature, you will be happy.

Every morning let nature come into you. Pure air, beautiful nature makes you happy.

3. Eat smartly and Improve your stamina.

 How to grow your stamina? Eat healthy.

We should eat healthy food. Healthy food means foods which our body system digest easily. Like green foods, ripe foods, fruits etc. 

Keep some knowledge about the body system.

We should know about our body system which helps us to grow our stamina. If we know the process basically then we can manage our food habit and many things.  

Keep knowledge about diet (food habit).

We eat different types of foods. Like junk foods, which harmful to us. And has other foods which are not good for us every time. So one must get knowledge about diet plans or food habits to stay fit and active. Means which food you should take or not. 

Feel Food is God, it gives you a special feeling.

Our body made of food, water and other things. We can't live without these. 

How to grow your stamina? Food is God.

So give a special feeling for food and take it as life.

Let's compare our body to a bike. If we want to make our bike very useful and always helpful we have to take-care it perfectly.

We regularly repair it, if it has any faults. It needs petrol to run. When we use kerosene to feed it. It runs, but it destroys in a short time.

Thus our body is an engine made by some natural things and its fuel is food. There are different types of food.  Like veg or non-veg.

We must eat healthy food for us.
If you want to know about this search on youtube 

Make sure to include carbs

Never skip on carbs. They are essential for muscle building.  So, it is good to have grains, pasta, brown bread and cereals.

4. Practice Happiness and grow your stamina.

How to grow your stamina? What makes you happy?

By another way, we know how to grow our stamina, but this point we learn how to grow our mental stamina.
What is about me?                     
                   I prefer to dance with music alone.

Thus, you must ask yourself where is your happiness. It may differ for different persons. Like Dancing, singing, cooking, playing…… etc.

And mind it choose what you can do alone not with others. If you love to talk to anybody personally then you choose temporary. Be aware of this.
It may disturb your mental stamina.

5. Make a habit of perfectness to grow your mental stamina.

If you do the regular you can get perfectness. Slow and steady wins the race means. You have to go slow and do it regularly. Then you can win the race. Who is with you in the race?

Race with your weakness, not with another person. You should practice to be happy and learn how to be happy

and how to grow your stamina.

Don’t go on words.

Don’t go on words, it means don’t believe every word of society. Follow your mind think is it right?

Go to experts then do if it is important and helpful to you or anybody.
You can search Google about your doubt.

Rest, is it important?

Rest is important. It also helps to grow our stamina. But how it can grow our stamina? You can do meditation instead of rest. It is another type of rest for our body.

Sleep and rest.

Most of the people think that rest means sleep. No, it is not right. Science proves 10 minutes meditation is equal to a 2-hour sleep. So use the rest time for your development.

If you have a disease then you can sleep more. But it mostly on our mind what you think about us that you are weak or strong?

6. Learn to be happy in any situation.

How to grow your stamina? Practice to be happy.
You can practice happiness in two ways what I know, but there may be other ways.

  1. Let’s leave your tension to God. Because everything is happening by Him/ Her. And accept what is happening with you. That is for your learning.
      2.   Earn knowledge from you. Do you want to know more?           Mention in the comment.

7. Take balanced food to grow your stamina.

Give time for food. Take time to eat happily. Don’t eat a lot at a time. Divide it as part. Eat few but many times.
Earn knowledge about...........
                       How to eat?
                                     talk? Etc.
You can get it on YouTube or Google or from doctors.
But don’t follow any blindly.
And then you can know how to grow your stamina.

8. Stop dividing foods as tasty or your favourite.

Let’s take everything is good and everything is your favourite without non-veg. Because non-veg foods are tougher. God makes everything for us that fruits, vegetables.
Be happy with what you have but try to earn more without no hope.

Take protein.

By taking advice by doctors take proteins. Because it helps our body to be fit and healthy. This time foods are not full of proteins so we must take extra boosts to be healthy.

Take food on time.

By giving 4-5 hours gap between heavy meal we can maintain our stamina. Our body takes a minimum of 3 hours to accept proteins from ripe foods. So minimum 4-5 hours gap between two heavy meals.

Take some time to rest after your meals.

After eating a meal rest for a minimum 15-20 minutes. It helps your body digest the food that you have eaten. This is an essential part of building stamina.


9. Keep in your mind “What to do?” and "How to grow your stamina?"

Grow your stamina.
If you eat to keep your mind on eating only and feel that the food is God.

Give your full focus on food only.
No T.V.,
No more

If there is no emergency, you should be one focused.

Sleep after 2 hours of night food. It makes your body more power.

At night our digestive system is slow so do walk after nigh food minimum 500-foot steps. And sleep after 2 hours of taking food at night.

10. Do some important do’s at night.

1.   Brush after night food.
2.   Wash your hands, face and legs before sleep (warm water is better.).
3.   Walk some time.

Take some hot water in the morning.

Taking hot water in the morning gives us many benefits. It clears our stomach.
Our mind takes an important role in our fitness and stamina. So think positive and do what should be done.

                                Thank You


The most relevant ways to save tree.

Trees are the gift 🎁 by nature for living beings so we must save trees. They provide many useful needs for all living beings whether they are 👨human beings, 🐕animal or any🕷🐛 small insects.
Save trees Trees provide us with oxygen to breathe, 🥘🍎foods to eat, shadow to rest winds to protect from 🌞sun heat and many more. 🌴 Trees play a very important role in our living beings live. Just we can say that without trees human beings cannot survive in this 🌍world for a longer time and the reasons for not surviving will be many. So we must aware about "save tree" topic.

 Nowadays we are cutting many trees and forests for our sake. We made buildings, 🌉bridges,🏭factories, 🏡houses and many man-made things by cutting thousands and millions of trees for our satisfaction.

Save trees  Have we ever thought that for the satisfaction we are hurting our health? Instead of planting trees or save trees, we destroy trees and our environment. Have we ever thought that what will be our future generation will face for our misuse of nature?
 Have we ever thought about what we will do of these man-made things when natural things will be no longer?

       All man-made things which are made are directly or indirectly depended on natural things to get structured. So, it’s a high time to 🌳plant trees and save trees as much as we can from now onward. 


Save trees 👉 AIR POLLUTION is growing in vast amount. Unwanted air particles have a lot in the atmosphere (nitrogen and etc.)
     👉 O2 and CO2 has decreased for the breathing of living beings
     👉 The heat of the sun has increased and for that glaciers are melting
     👉 Animals🐯 are not getting a place to live and their species are decreasing

  👉  Farming of good foods is decreasing due to not getting the right amount of lights, water and proper soil.



Save trees. Cutting down trees effect in air.     👉People will not able to breathe properly and many unwanted breaths of air particles will enter to a body which will affect inside and it will lead to death.
     👉 Living beings and plants will not get O2 and CO2, as CO2 help plants to grow so the 🌲plants will no longer survive and we cant get 🍲foods to 😋eat too.
     👉 ⛅Sun heat will increase and for that water level will also decrease in the soil.
      👉 Cutting down forest will be leading to DEFORESTATION and 🐎animals who live in those forests will be killed by human beings if they will come to street for not attacking them, even they will not get food to eat too.
      👉Farmers will not get rain for farming which will indirectly impact in our foods which we eat daily for our need.
Save trees

      👉 So, as you can see Cutting down trees impact directly and indirectly to everyone . we can say in one sentence that CUTTING DOWN TREES WILL DESTROY THE WORLD. If we need to survive we have to make a balance in every step we take for the environment.

Save the tree to grow your fitness.

Trees give pure air, Oxygen, they make cool the environment. A man needs these to be fit. 


Save trees. What we can do to save trees.
  👉 Plant 🌳trees in our house, like 🎕flowers, 🍇fruits trees and as per our can be useful to make your 🏡house decor.
     👉 Make parks which will indirectly make you 🌴plant trees for making it decorative. We do both works save tree and environment safe.
     👉 Avoid building unwanted buildings where it is not required.

      👉 Save trees/ save jungles for 🐇animals or we can make the zoo to keep the animals safe.
      👉 Try to plant trees on the roadside or in the place where human beings can rest in the shadow of the 🌴trees.
     👉  Do not make 🏭factories where farmers are farming for our foods.


Thank you for giving you auspicious time to read my blog. And let me know if you want to share your views about this topic in the comment section.

At last, If you have any opinion or any doubt or any suggestion. Please must know us about it. We will eagerly happy to you. 
                         Be happy😊.
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